"Animates the pointer image using a series of adjacent 1-bit bitmapped cast members. Drag to any sprite or place in the sript channel." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Start on BeginSprite - Turn this option on to start animation when the sprite begins." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Restore - Turn this option to restore the pointer when the sprite ends." & RETURN & ¼
"ò First Image - Choose the first cast member in the animation sequence." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Last Image - Choose the last cast member in the animation sequence." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Initial Image - Choose the cast member that should be visible when the animation begins." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Step Rate - Enter the rate, in ticks ( 1/60 second units ) at which the pointer image should change during animation." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Cycle Mode - Choose Repeat to show the same sequence every time. Choose Reverse to alternate between playing the sequence forward and backward." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Reverse Order - Turn this option on to proceed from the last to first image by default." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Restored Pointer - Choose one of Director's included pointers to be displayed when the sprite ends." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Use Custom Pointer - Turn this option on to use a cast member instead of an included pointer as the restored pointer image." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Restored Custom Image - ( optional ) Choose which cast member to use as the restored pointer image." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Restored Custom Mask - ( optional ) Choose a cast member to use as a mask image when sprite ends. "& RETURN & ¼
"ò StartAnimation - Begin the pointer animation." & RETURN & ¼